Thyroid disorders are among the most significant medical conditions impacting women in the workforce today.
Paloma Health is the only nationwide virtual thyroid solution for faster access, better health outcomes, and lower costs.
Are completely satisfied with their treatment
think their physician is a good source of support
Think they receive absolutely no support from their employers
Loss of productivity for employees with hypothyroidism
of employees with hypothyroidism consider that every aspect of their life is impacted
There are less than 5,000 endocrinologists practicing in the country. There are 15.5 board-certified adult endocrinologists in clinical practice per 1 million persons in in the United States
General practitioners spend less than one day during their medical school training on the thyroid. Hypothyroidism is only one of the many thyroid related issues.
We combine nutrition, lifestyle, cutting-edge technology, and diagnostic testing to deliver real life-changing results.