The AIP diet is a temporary elimination diet designed to help reduce inflammation or other symptoms caused by autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto's disease. It's comprised of two phases designed to help you identify and ultimately avoid the foods that may trigger inflammation and disease-specific symptoms.
Paloma Health sits down with Stephanie Ulrich and Risa Groux to learn about the autoimmune protocol (AIP) and how it relates to your Hashimoto's disease.
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Join Paloma Health providers Teresa Peña, M.D and Dennis Chernin, M.D. as we explore what eastern-medicine based approaches may benefit hypothyroidism patients, what treatment options would be best based on your symptoms, and how to incorporate them with your western medical care.
Paloma sits down with Physician Assistant McCall McPherson and Best Selling Author Julia Schopick to explore how LDN can be helpful for hypothyroidism patients, how it effectively reduces thyroid antibodies and supports your immune system, the side effects patients should be aware of, and more.
Ginny Mahar of Hypothyroid Chef gives inspiration for breakfasts that support your thyroid and overall health. From grab-and-go breakfast ideas to thyroid-healthy alternatives to those sweet, indulgent brekkies, Ginny will help you eat well so you can feel well—without spending all your time in the kitchen.
Hear from Chronically Capable Founder Hannah Olson, Chronic Illness Career Coach Rosalind Joffe, and Hashimoto's Patient Kathleen Carr about managing productive employment when juggling a chronic condition like hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease.
Hear from Chronically Capable Founder Hannah Olson, Chronic Illness Career Coach Rosalind Joffe, and Hashimoto's Patient Kathleen Carr about managing productive employment when juggling a chronic condition like hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease.